

Required to install
  • PHP 4.1+ (Tiki won't work with older versions of PHP) but PHP 4.2+ is recommended
    • You don't need any specific PHP extension to install Tiki but GD is recommended and will be used if you have it. (GD is bundled by default with PHP 4.3+)
    • If you want to use uploads (files and images) make sure uploads are enabled in php.ini.
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      file_uploads = On
    • Tiki uses sessions (a common mechanism in PHP4) make sure that the path where PHP stores sessions exists (you can find that path in php.ini) and that PHP can write to that path.
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      session.save_handler = files session.save_path = /tmp
    • It is highly recommended to increase the maximum memory size for PHP scripts from 8 MB to at least 16 MB (32 MB is better) in your php.ini configuration file. Uploaded files are hashed with md5(), so watch this setting too if you upload files of several megabytes. Tiki MAY run in 8 MB environments for most actions. If you get Tiki working with such a limit, this doesn't mean that everything will work. Before reporting a problem, particularly getting blank pages, try 16 or 32 MB.
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      memory_limit = 16M
    • Another setting that is recommended is to change the execution time of PHP scripts. Short execution times on large tikiwiki installations may cause scripting timeouts and also may prevent you from doing a Backup through the Admin menu.
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      max_execution_time = 60
    • Set magic_quotes_gpc to off in php.ini
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      magic_quotes_gpc = Off
    • With PHP4.1, be sure pcre is enabled (enabled by default with PHP 4.2+)
    • PHP 4.1.2 had a bug which will be quite problematic for Tiki 1.7.5+

  • A MySQL database under version 4.1, or PostgreSQL.
    TikiWiki 1.9 -sirius- is moving towards support for 4.1.x with a upgrade in the ADOdb layer, however 1.8.x does not support MySQL 4.1.x.

  • A webserver that can run PHP. Apache is strongly recommended but other webservers may work as well.

Although Tiki should work with the above stuff, other things influence its behaviour
Required for some features

Some features are influenced by some things.

  • Image processing library for thumbnail generation, dynamic chart generation and Prevent automatic/robot registrationon doc:Login Config. This can be either :
    • GD library > 1.5 and PHP compiled
    • ImageMagick but only for thumbnail generation

    You don't need to get those 2 libraries if you use PHP 4.3+ since they are bundled.
  • GraphViz for PluginWikiGraph
    • InstallGraphViz
  • Search : For full-text search MySQL3.23.23+, for boolean full-text search MySQL4.0.1+.
  • Webmail : Will need at least PHP4.2+
  • TikiWikifier: requires PHP 4.3.0+, allow_url_fopen in php.ini set to "on"
  • CAS Authentication: requires PHP 4.2.2+
    • --with-curl: CURL support, needed to access proxies.
    • --with-openssl: SSL support, needed for fopen('https://...'), to validate CAS tickets;
    • --with-dom: DOM support, to read the XML responses of the CAS server;
    • --with-zlib: Zlib support, needed by DOM.
    • more details...

Page last modified on Thursday 19 July 2018 10:36:57 GMT-0000