Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Postgres Death

posts: 32

I am using the database postgresql with tikiwiki.
There is a problem saving large data items such as images in image galleries and html in the wiki.

If in the example of saving html, the save can be done by reducing the size of the html file. The tikiwiki error message shows the postgres command emitted by tikiwiki and is

File /tiki/tiki-editpage.php
Url /tiki/tiki-editpage.php
insert into "tiki_pages"("pageName","hits","data","lastModif","comment","version","user","ip","description","creator","page_size") values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
0 Patents
1 0

Then the html data follows.
This means the table field the data is being inserted into is "data". The html that follows as interpreted html rather than its source code which is a bit of a nuisance but oh well at least there is feedback.

The error in the postgresl log are lines similar to
ERROR: index row size 3160 exceeds btree maximum, 2713
ERROR: index row size 2776 exceeds btree maximum, 2713
ERROR: index row size 2720 exceeds btree maximum, 2713
ERROR: index row size 2784 exceeds btree maximum, 2713
ERROR: index row size 3324 exceeds btree maximum, 2713

There are other people on google that have encountered this error but its in German. Can anyone suggest a solution?
keirvt at optusnet.com.au