

module in topbar appears incorrectly

I wanted to place the switch lang module in the topbar so I have added include file = modules/mod-switch_lang.tpl in the tiki-top_bar.tpl.

The desing of the module is always there, but the languages appear ONLY if I assign the module to a group and have it on the left/right column in the middle as well. If I do not assign it to ie. anonymus group, the module is empty, there are no languages in it :-(

I do not want to duplicate this module on the page, I would like to have only in the top bar and nowhere else.

Please advise me how to do this correctly,
many tnx&cheers


how about just taking the relevant code from the module instead of including it completely?

M ;-)

ok, but what is the "relevant code" here? :-)

I think the point is that it should not check for permissions or anything, but I do not know what to delete/modify in the code of the tpl file..I guess it would be a smarty command or something but I am not really familiar with that..
thanks for the answer anyway, I guess I will have to find another solution..

> how about just taking the relevant code from the module instead of including it completely?
> M ;-)