Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: WIKI Admin Options missing after 3.0 upgrade

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Oh well, I tried using tiki3 (released version), and it works for me.
If you had an earlier version of tiki3 (before released), or you installed previously an ealier version of darkroom, I suggest that you remove that theme styles and copy the new (bundled within tiki 3 release) in place.
If you don't know how to do that, I would suggest that you reinstall tiki3 (not just copying the new files over the old directories, which wouldn't not delete defective failes that you might have, from older versions), but from scratch. New installation directory, install it, use your existing database (madke a backup, just in case, of course), and check that that problem doesn't exist.

Hope this helps.

If you feel that this doesn't solve your problem, please make screenshots of what you see in your screen, and also from what you think that you should be seing (from 2.4, or other installation, etc.), so that it's clearer how to help you.

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