

Relationship between TOC and MAKETOC numbering?

posts: 69

BACKGROUND: I am building a tw website for a distributed group of authors who will collaborate to write and maintain a book. The book, at about 400 pages, already exists. Is nicely divided into Chapters, Sections, Subsections, and Subsubsections. We are migrating the current HTML version to tw.

I began by creating a STRUCTURE that mimics the top two layers of the book: Chapters (! H1) and Sections (!! H2), but NOT sub- and subsubsections - there are hundreds of them. {TOC shownum=1} in H1 and H2 displays Chapter and Section numbers. This works fine. All is good.

Within the Sections, we use H3 through H5 to subdivide this large book into manageable and navigable chunks. {MAKETOC title="In this section..." showhide=y} displays relative sub- and sub-subsection numbers. This also works fine.

THE PROBLEM is bridging the numbering system between TOC and MAKETOC. IF the user is at Chapter 2 Section 3 Subsection 5, the top-line breadcrumb trail reflects that as (2.3); MAKETOC lists no number for the Subsection on the page while the subsubsections are merely listed beginning with 1.0 (whereas it's really

If the answer is "you have to build a structure all the way down to H6 using TOC throughout" - there's no way we're going to do that. But I was hoping that someone might know of a way to make this work.


posts: 1633 Canada

I don't know the answer, but I feel your pain. Structures could be better to manage large documents. It's currently too difficult to move things around.

I hope you find and it's documented and/or fixed for others.

Best regards,

M ;-)