Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Site broken after 4.3-> 5.0 upgrade (search not working)

posts: 22

I did the upgrade and ran into some problems that have made my tikiwiki site useless:

1) After upgrade, the search feature doesn't work. With over a hundred pages, my users can't find anything anymore. Terms like "billing" which used to bring up articles on how to do billing now return "no pages found." However, articles added after the upgrade appear to be found. Do I have to re-index the system?

2) The home page wouldn't come up. We were using an edited version of the 4.3 default page which included an RSS feed from reuters. The feed failed to work after upgrade causing the home page to appear blank and locking users out of the system. I fixed this by logging in a Admin, and removing the RSS feed.

I am hoping someone knows what's going on here!



posts: 1563 Germany


straight away I do not know, what´s going on on your site.
I am fighting through test and such stuff and upgrading problems, typically faced by a semi newbie.

  • did you upgrade by a new installation, or by overwriting your Tiki4.3 files?
  • do you have saved a DUMP/database-backup of your Tiki4.3?


posts: 22

The answers to both your questions are yes and yes!

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Hi Eric:

Please, upgrade to Tiki 5.3 instead, while ensuring that you re-set the connection to the database from the tiki-install.php script.
Follow the steps from here:


And report back if you still have issues after that.

Hope this helps.

posts: 22
Thank you, I'll take a look at it. However, I found a different way to solve the problem: manually open each article and resave it. One article wouldn't open (generated a database error) but another employee was able to open it - weird huh? So all the articles were resaved and now searchable.

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

hi torsten, posts were crossed (I didn't see you while I was writing the documentation about fixing the encoding issue).

Please, Torsten, review, and improve the documentation, if you find unaccuracies or something that didn't help in your case.