

1.9 CVS Bug Report

posts: 5 China

hi, I am tikiwiki user.
when i used non-english , i found a bug.

1. set language to non-english;
2. choose user (or usergroup) section at admin(Click!) menu;
3. choose one user (or one usergroup), see detail;
you can found this bug.
1. tiki-setup_base.php at 238 about the language translate error, file no found.
2. "Invalid variable value" error, require no found.

i modified the tiki-setup_base.php, remove some script, then ok.

the removed script:

function varcheck($array) {
global $patterns,$vartype;
if $array) and is_array($array {
foreach ($array as $rq=>$rv) {
if (!preg_match($patterns'vars',$rq)) {
die"Invalid variable name : "). htmlspecialchars($rq;
} else {
if (is_array($rv)) {
} elseif (substr($rq,-2,2) 'Id' or (isset($vartype%22$rq%22) and $vartype%22$rq%22 'int' and !preg_match($patterns'int',$rv))
or 'char',$rv" class="wiki wikinew text-danger tips">isset($vartype%22$rq%22) and $vartype%22$rq%22 'char') and !preg_match($patterns'char',$rv
or 'string',$rv" class="wiki wikinew text-danger tips">isset($vartype%22$rq%22) and $vartype%22$rq%22 'string') and !preg_match($patterns'string',$rv) {
die"Invalid variable value : "). "$rq = ". htmlspecialchars($rv;

posts: 1001 Canada

Hi hhhaexclaim
I think it would be good to open a bug tracker about that, otherwise mose is the one who recently introduced this, try to catch him by some way (IRC can be a good way).

I'm glad you were able to find a workaroundsmile

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

I dont see the point of opening bug trackers on 1.9 code until it reaches a RC stage.

CVS HEAD is never a stable branch and its not recommended for any production site. Unless you subscribe to tikiwiki-cvs mailing list and know whats going on with CVS code I think its pointless.