Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: integrator errors

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Just commited the corrected integrator.php library to CVS.

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if ($ord == 0) { $query = "select max(`ord`) from `tiki_integrator_rules` where `repID`=?"; $ord = $tikilib->getOne($query, array($repID)) + 1; } if (strlen($ruleID) == 0 || $ruleID == 0) { $query = "insert into `tiki_integrator_rules` (`repID`,`ord`,`srch`,`repl`,`type`,`casesense`,`rxmod`,`enabled`,`description`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $qparms = array($repID, $ord, $srch, $repl, $type, $case, $rxmod, $en, $descr); } else { $query = "update `tiki_integrator_rules` set `repID`=?,`ord`=?,`srch`=?,`repl`=?,`type`=?,`casesense`=?, `rxmod`=?,`enabled`=?,`description`=? where `ruleID`=?"; $qparms = array($repID, $ord, $srch, $repl, $type, $case, $rxmod, $en, $descr,(int) $ruleID); } $result = $tikilib->query($query, $qparms); // Clear cached pages for this repository $this->clear_cache($repID); }

is the corrected area in function add_replace_rule biggrin

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