

Creating and editing menus

To create a menu enter a name and a description and select the menu type, there re three different types that can be used:

  • Static: The menu will be static all the options will be displayed in the menu module.
  • Dynamic collapsed: The menu is dynamic only the sections will be displayed in the menu module and there will be +/- links to open/close sections. The application menu in tiki is an example of this class of menu.
  • Dynamic expanded: The same as before but all the sections are expanded by default and the user can close with (-) the options that he wants to close.

note: it's a pain because you have to modify a file for each css style....

insert graphic

Once a menu is created you can edit the menu options clicking the options link from the menu listing.

insert graphic

This screen is where you manipulate the options in a menu, at the top a preview of the menu will be displayed, a form to add options/sections to the menu is displayed next, then a list of the sections and options in the menu is displayed. To illustrate how to create menus we created a menu with two sections and two options in each section:

insert graphic

The links at the right of the form to add/edit options can be used to insert common links to Tiki sections if you don t remember the URI for such items.

You can create a menu for whatever you want, to replace the application menu, to have a list of options to your favorite sites, to display a menu of galleries you like, download sections, whatever.

Including menus in user modules

Menus are displayed using user modules, the syntax to include a menu in a user module is:

{menu id=n}

The menu is phplayermenus. It is possible to create dynamic pop-up menus by putting {phplayers id=n} in a TPL file. For older versions of Tiki, you might need to copy the layersmenu CSS entries out of damian.css into the css of your choice (or copy them from a later version).


This page is for the latest released stable version or release candidate(not stuff in CVS).

For more information


Created by: Last Modification: Sunday 09 January 2005 23:12:45 GMT-0000 by Damian Parker
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