

Changes in tikilib

First, I find that TikiLib::list_pages() doesn't accept an array of pages, so I do this modification at line 3422. This modification doesn't break the implementation, only expand it.

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if (is_array($find)) { $mid = " where `pageName` IN ('".implode("','", $find)."')"; $bindvars = array(); } elseif (is_string($find)) { $mid = " where `pageName` like ? "; $bindvars = array('%' . $find . '%'); } else { $mid = ""; $bindvars = array(); }


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{BACKLINKS(info=>hits+user,exclude=>HomePage+SandBox,include_self=>1,noheader=>0,page=>HomePage)}{BACKLINKS}"; } /** * Create a list of backlinks to a page * @param string not used * @param array // info (allows multiple columns, joined by '+') | * info=hits,lastModif,user,ip,len,comment, creator, version, * flag, versions,links,backlinks * // exclude (allows multiple pagenames)|exclude=HomePage+RecentChanges * // include_self = by default, false * // noheader = by default, false * // page = by default, the current page. * @return string */ function wikiplugin_backlinks($data, $params) { global $wikilib; $aInfoPresetNames = array( "hits" => "Hits", "lastModif" => "Last mod", "user" => "Last author", "len" => "Size", "comment" => "Com", "creator" => "Creator", "version" => "Last ver", "flag" => "Status", "versions" => "Vers", "links" => "Links", "backlinks" => "Backlinks"); $aInfoPreset = array_keys($aInfoPresetNames); extract ($params); ///////////////////////////////// // Default values ///////////////////////////////// // $page = isset($page)?$page : $_REQUEST["page"]; // The page to request $include_self = isset($include_self)?(bool)$include_self : false; // Include $page in the Backlinks $noheader = isset($noheader)?(bool)$noheader : 0; // Include a header, with the name of the page and numbers of Backlinks $exclude = isset($exclude)?explode("+", $exclude) : array(); // List of pages to exclude, separated by '+' // ///////////////////////////////// // Create a valid list for $info ///////////////////////////////// // if (isset($info)) { $info = explode("+", $info); $info_temp = array(); foreach($info as $sInfo) { if (in_array(trim($sInfo), $aInfoPreset)) { $info_temp[] = trim($sInfo); } $info = $info_temp?$info_temp: false; } } else { $info = false; } // ///////////////////////////////// // Process backlinks ///////////////////////////////// // $backlinks = $wikilib->get_backlinks($page); if (!$include_self) { $exclude[] = $page; } foreach($backlinks as $backlink) { if (!array_search($backlink["fromPage"], $exclude)) { $aBackRequest[] = $backlink["fromPage"]; } } if ($include_self) { $aBackRequest[] = $page; } $sOutput = ""; $aInfo = $wikilib->list_pages(0, -1, 'pageName_desc', $aBackRequest); // ///////////////////////////////// // Start of Output ///////////////////////////////// // if (!$noheader) { // Create header $count = $aInfo["cant"]; if (!$count) { $sOutput .= "No pages link to (($page))"; } elseif ($count == 1) { $sOutput .= "One page links to (($page))"; } else { $sOutput = "$count pages links to (($page))"; } $sOutput .= "\n"; } if ($info) { // Header for info $sOutput .= ""; foreach($info as $iInfo => $sHeader) { $sOutput .= ""; } $sOutput .= ""; } foreach($aInfo["data"] as $aPage) { // Loop of Backlinks if (!$info) { $sOutput .= "*((".$aPage["pageName"]."))\n"; } else { $sOutput .= ""; foreach($info as $sInfo) { if (isset($aPage[trim($sInfo)])) { $sOutput .= ""; } } } } if ($info) { if ($info) { $sOutput .= "
"; } } return $sOutput; } ?>


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{TITLESEARCH(search=>Admin,info=>hits+user,exclude=>HomePage+SandBox,noheader=>0,)}{TITLESEARCH}"; } function wikiplugin_titlesearch($data, $params) { global $wikilib; $aInfoPresetNames = array( "hits" => "Hits", "lastModif" => "Last mod", "user" => "Last author", "len" => "Size", "comment" => "Com", "creator" => "Creator", "version" => "Last ver", "flag" => "Status", "versions" => "Vers", "links" => "Links", "backlinks" => "Backlinks"); $aInfoPreset = array_keys($aInfoPresetNames); extract ($params); ///////////////////////////////// // Default values ///////////////////////////////// // if (!isset($search)) { return ("You have to define a search"); } $noheader = isset($noheader)?(bool)$noheader : 0; // Include a header, with the search and number of pages $exclude = isset($exclude)?explode("+", $exclude) : array(); // List of pages to exclude, separated by '+' // ///////////////////////////////// // Create a valid list for $info ///////////////////////////////// // if (isset($info)) { $info = explode("+", $info); $info_temp = array(); foreach($info as $sInfo) { if (in_array(trim($sInfo), $aInfoPreset)) { $info_temp[] = trim($sInfo); } $info = $info_temp?$info_temp: false; } } else { $info = false; } // ///////////////////////////////// // Process pages ///////////////////////////////// // $sOutput = ""; $aInfo = $wikilib->list_pages(0, -1, 'pageName_desc', $search); foreach($aInfo["data"] as $idPage=>$aPage) { if(in_array($aPage["pageName"],$exclude)) { unset($aInfo["data"][$idPage]); $aInfo["cant"]--; } } // ///////////////////////////////// // Start of Output ///////////////////////////////// // if (!$noheader) { // Create header $count = $aInfo["cant"]; if (!$count) { $sOutput .= tra("No pages found for title search")." '__".$search."__'"; } elseif ($count == 1) { $sOutput .= tra("One page found for title search")." '__".$search."__'"; } else { $sOutput = "$count".tra(" pages found for title search")." '__".$search."__'"; } $sOutput .= "\n"; } if ($info) { // Header for info $sOutput .= ""; foreach($info as $iInfo => $sHeader) { $sOutput .= ""; } $sOutput .= ""; } foreach($aInfo["data"] as $aPage) { // Loop of Backlinks if (!$info) { $sOutput .= "*((".$aPage["pageName"]."))\n"; } else { $sOutput .= ""; foreach($info as $sInfo) { if (isset($aPage[trim($sInfo)])) { $sOutput .= ""; } } } } if ($info) { if ($info) { $sOutput .= "
"; } } return $sOutput; } ?>
Created by: Last Modification: Sunday 12 October 2003 05:55:38 GMT-0000 by clbustos
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