

in Tikiwiki,
1. for most URL that contains unicode Traditional Chinese characters, IE 5 nor 6 can handle it well. To correct that, you have to edit the function {string|escape:url}.

2. PDF generation can't see Chinese characters
- ezPDF

3. Can't search Chinese characters
- cause : Tikiwiki use MySQL fulltext function

4. To enable Chinese login ID:
- modify tiki-register.php
//Marked by Sting, allow Chinese login name
// if(!preg_match_all("/A-Z0-9a-z\_\-+/",$_REQUEST%22name%22,$matches)) {
// $smarty->assign('msg',tra("Invalid username"));
// $smarty->display("styles/$style_base/error.tpl");
// die;
// }
- modif Smarty/plugins/modifier.userlink.php ,


return "$user";

5. No Good way to do NewUserPage similar concept for Chinese page title
- Try to take out some parse rule and add new parse rule

6. modify lib/tikilib.php

7. For Outlook express didn't handle unicode subject well, we need to change the mail function behavior in tikiwiki from unicode to big5
edit tikilib.php,k search charset , use the function iconv(From charset, To charset, $String)

This is a test test
This i s a test

This is a test test This i s a test

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Chinese Tikiwiki site

Created by: Last Modification: Tuesday 09 September 2003 08:17:48 GMT-0000 by sting
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