

Full Text Search : does this work? only for mysql? what's the advantage?
what are differences between search_box tiki-searchresults.php and search_new tiki-searchindex.php?

There are 2 different full text search engines. One uses the mysql builtin fulltext index. This has to be activated and compiled in into your mysql server. You have to run additional sql scripts to build the fulltext index. The other one is a handmade, database independant search function. This is more limited but fast. If you use the "search" module, you get the mysql specific, if you use "search_new" then you get the database independant one. See also SearchDev. redflo.

search_box Full text search (broken as of 2005-05-03)

search_new module (works with all databases)

module search_wiki_page

module search_wiki_page_new

Page last modified on Wednesday 04 May 2005 00:25:50 GMT-0000