

Translation set form

posts: 179 France

To most of my users, and to a certain extent for me, the "translation set" form is still not comprehensible.

I know it's useful, I know. I am just talking of usability.

As far as I know my users, if they decide to translate a page, they would at best be able to handle a form consisting in a scrolling list of the languages they want to translate into.

Facing the present "Translation set" form means that in practice they will stop there, and they won't translate.

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

imho, the translating area needs to show the source text and underneath or next to it the new empty enter your translated text here form.

Translating a wiki/article/whatever page this way would be a lot easier. that to keep two browser tabs and flipping between the two.

Damosoft - TikiWiki Development Services

posts: 179 France

Very right. Always have the source text to check, as you write. Of course that is compulsory. source text in read only.

Should be available as an option for reviewers too.

posts: 1092

I agree with you. 1.9 is only the minimum raw interface.
We need more options and a better interface. This evolution is planned for 1.10. (I don't know anymore as 1.9 is delayed each week ...)
I am pratically the only one working on this subject and as it is for me a free job (except some support from marc laporte (thanks marc)), the dev don't go very quickly.
Any help is appreciated