Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

"Tiki cannot find a database connection" again

posts: 2 Germany

Hi folks,

I already spent several hours in finding a solution for this problem:

When executing tiki-install.php, I get the dialog with the message:
Tiki cannot find a database connection
Please enter your database connection info
After entering the requested db information I get a white browser window, no error message, and nothing else.

Afterwards I try to access tiki-index.php and get the following message:
db/local.php not found.

Please run tiki-install.php

I already scanned FAQs and forums and tried all found solutions and hints in this context. That's what I already tried:

  • DB access problems: Command-line login to mysql db works without any problems
  • File access problems: I changed all files in tikiwiki-1.9.2 to 777 -> No effect
  • I changed the settings in the "Tiki cannot find a database connection" dialog: IP address instead of localhost, "MYSQL (mysqli driver)" instead of "MYSQL" -> No effect
  • I applied db/tiki.php to my mysql db: mysql -u root -p tiki < tiki.sql -> no problem (tables in tiki created) -> no effect
  • I created db/local.php by hand: <?php $db_tiki='mysql'; $dbversion_tiki='1.9'; $host_tiki='localhost'; $user_tiki='root'; $pass_tiki='<rootpassword'; $dbs_tiki='tiki'; ?> -> tiki-install.php -> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in /var/www/tikiwiki-1.9.2/lib/adodb/drivers/adodb-mysql.inc.php on line 339
  • I checked the priveleges in the mysql db: ** grant all privileges on tiki.* to root@'%' identified by '<rootpw>'; grant all privileges on tiki.* to root@localhost identified by '<rootpw>'; -> No effect
  • I made the pear test, though I have no idea why php4-pear is required. peartest.php: <? require_once("DB.php"); require_once "PEAR.php"; echo ("<h3>Swoobadoo</h3>"); ?> -> Works
  • I made the php test. phptest.php: <?php echo phpinfo(); ?> -> Works

I have Debian 3.or1(woody), full root access and the following software versions:

TikiWiki 1.9.2
mysql-client 4.0.24-10sarge
mysql-common 4.0.24-10sarge
mysql-server 4.0.24-10sarge
php4-mysql 4.3.10-16
php4 4.3.10-16
php4-mysql 4.3.10-16
php4-pear 4.3.10-16
apache 1.3.33-6sarge1
apache-common 1.3.33-6sarge1
apache-doc 1.3.26-0woody6
apache-ssl 1.3.33-6sarge1
apache2-utils 2.0.54-5
libapache-mod- 4.3.10-16

After several hours of research and trials, I am really desparated.

Are there any ideas what I can do?

Thanx in advance.

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

I take it the mysql user root has a password ?

TikiWiki does not work when the mysql user does not have a password set.

Also check art82

Looking at the statements above I would guess your database user for the tikiwiki does not have a password.


posts: 2 Germany

> I take it the mysql user root has a password ?
> TikiWiki does not work when the mysql user does not have a password set.
> Also check art82
> Looking at the statements above I would guess your database user for the tikiwiki does not have a password.
> Damian

Thanx, Damian, for your immediate reply!

Unfortunately, the user "root" has a password in mysql which I have to enter when using the command-line access:
root:/etc/php4/apache# mysql -u root
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: NO)

root:/etc/php4/apache# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 314 to server version: 4.0.24_Debian-10sarge1-log

That is the password which I also enter in "database connection" dialog.

Regarding art82, the memory_limit was already set to "32M".

