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Features / Usability

Re: Calendar questions

posts: 3665 United States

Glad you liked my calendar. biggrin

To display the month and year only, here's the code from my tiki-calendar.tpl:

Copy to clipboard
{if $viewmode eq "month"} <a href="tiki-calendar.php?mon={$mBefore}&day=1&year={$viewyear}" title="« {tr}Prior month{/tr}"><img src="kc/buttons/previous.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="{tr}Prior month{/tr}" border="0" align="middle" /></a>  {$daystart|user_date_format:"%B %Y"}  <a href="tiki-calendar.php?mon={$mAfter}&day=1&year={$viewyear}" title="{tr}Next month{/tr}»"><img src="kc/buttons/next.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="{tr}Next month{/tr}" border="0" align="middle" /></a> {/if}

> Hello!
> I'm looking to set-up a group calendar for events, similar to:
> http://www.keycontent.org/tiki-calendar.php?viewmode=month
> Can I change the calendar so the weeks start with Monday and not Sunday?
> How can I call up the month only, as in the example above? I mean display "January 2006" rather than the long_date or short_date I see in the tpl.
> And in any case... I see the JS Calendar has internationalization. Am I better off using that, you think?
> Sorry if any questions seem obvious. I did check the forums and the docs but didn't get a very clear idea. I guess it'd help if I actually knew PHP adn was more familiar with the lingo :-(
> Thanks!!
> Marianne
> sca.historiaviva.org

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