Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Move my Tiki to a hosting server

posts: 3665 United States

> But now i have some questions i need help with:
> 1. Is it possible to migrate the whole Tiki installation from my local computer to my hostet domain, or do i have to install everything from the beginning and do al the config over again?
> 2. If it's possible to migrate my Tiki, can i moove the MySql tables over there to, or can i start Tiki with empty tables and hope for the best?

Yes you should be able to easily migrate from your local PC to your host. I believe the steps are:

  1. FTP all the files from your local PC to your host.
    You now have all the Tiki file on the webhost.
  2. Export the MySQL database from your local PC (both structure and data).
  3. Create a new database on your host. Load the SQL that you exported from your local DB.
    You now have your database duplicated on the webhost.

    The rest of the steps are getting your Tiki to connect to your new (hosted) database.

  4. Open your browser to http://yourdomain/tiki-install.php.
    You may get an error about not being able to contact the database. That's OK.
  5. Log in using your admin password (should be identical to the one you were using on your local installation).
  6. At the very bottom of the Installer screen, click RESET DATABASE CONNECTION.
    DO NOT use the CREATE or UPDATE buttons.
  7. Enter the database information for you hsoted database (when you created the new database in step 3, above). Click SUBMIT. The Installer screen re-appears.
  8. At the very bottom, click DO NOTHING AND ENTER.
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