Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Login error/refusal TW1.9.5

posts: 3665 United States

> After instaling TikiWiki 1.9.5, there were some problems with the different options and logging in, just like there were some problems with TW1.9.2. in this perspective.
> For example:
> * You must be sure that you email is working, only then apply for an email confirmation. Otherwise there was no way anymore to get in as admin, and had to reinstall.

After the intial install, you should login as:
username = admin
password = admin

Tiki then prompts you to select a new password. There is no email confirmaiton required for the admin login.

> * In 1.9.5, I could not get email confirmation working TOGETHER WITH ADMIN VALIDATION; it was either one of the options. So now, new registered users get a confirmation Email, which they have to click and then they're "registered" with "registered" rights. Nice to have their email confirmed and to know who is on the other side (at least to have a working email of that person). But then I had to take all rights away from "registered" users, so they only have the same rights as "anonymous". Later I can upgrade them to "editor", "admin", or make a new category "approved(regiseterd)" members. Yes, its a bit too much, but this is because the two options didn't work together (email confirm + admin validation);

It is one or the other — but not both.

  • If you use "Email Confirmation", then admin does not need to validate the user. Users will will receive an email confirmation and, upon clicking the link, become REGISTERED users.
  • If you use "Admin Validation", then you — the admin — must manually valiate each new user. To receive notification, you must have the Tiki messaging turned on (as noted in the General Admin page).

> * When applying for more security on logging in that one not only has to fill in username + pasword, but also his/hers Email; that didn't work! Yes: it asks for one's email address on loggin in, but gives an error message if you give your TW-stored email address.
> Luckely, no problems loggin in, because if you just didn't give any email address (while it is asking for), you're just logged in!
> I don't know why.
> With "admin" or with another registered name with admin rights, it just returns: wrong username/password.
> I can ask for my password and get it through my external email. It's just the one I gave and can't login with the usernames and passwords that TW has.
> Exactly this is the message:
> "https://.../.../tw/tiki-error.php?error=Invalid+username+or+password
> Error
> Invalid username or password
> Go back
> Return to home page"
> And yes, something else changed since yesterday:
> I just was looking at different layouts and finally changed it to the tiki layout with a transparent worldmap on the background.
> (see link to my TW-site below for example)
> AFTER I changed to that map, strange enough it didn't give that additional email login request field anymore.
> Not that big problem, I supposed.
> But today, this new login doesn't work.
> I also made some minor changes for security reason, before that.
> They don't seem connected, but I give you the details to be sure.
> See Tiki under attack: http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=136#comments
> My comment is the 5th one (newest first).
> As you can see, I ONLY deleted jhot.php and renamed -htaccess in .htaccess
> For the rest nothing; the rest was researching and questioning.
> I hope someone can help me out with this info!
> Already for a year I'm installing TikiWiki over and over (maybe 10 times now) to get it working again, after these kinds of errors.
> Ofcourse I can install again, but THAT DOESN'T RESOLVE THE CAUSE of the error and I will loose some work that is on this site now:
> My TikiWiki 1.9.5 site
> 1) So what is the cause of the problem?
> 2) And how can I get into my TW again?
> 3) And then reparing the cause of the different login problems?
> Thanks in advance, Marco
> P.S.:
> Also see two other (earlier) forumthreads;
> a) another error with sending webmail
> b) about pros & cons upgrading to PHP 5 server

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