Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Using Structures? Help

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Hi ancientwizard:

> *Part1: It seems as though all structure pages have to be created explicitly in advance. I have seen the functionality of dumping a structure page to a text screen so that you can copy the structure and use it as a "template" when creating another new structure. Is this the only way?

Nope, keep reading.

> *Part2: Is there some facility for having a wiki structure template that would be like a content template. so when creating a structured page you could pull down a list of available structures something for project kickoff, strategic planning, orientation, etc

Nope, so far. But you can suggest that feature at
Or find a professional coder to do that for you: FindSupport

> *Part3: Also, is there some way (related to the above that you could use the create child page functionality the is available when you are displaying a structure page) that you could insert a structure page rather than simply a normal page? ... thereby extending the structure automatically. and in a logical manner and from exactly the place that you need to be when you need to do it.

Yes, there is :-). There is special perm that your user have to be granted to do so (check http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Structure and child pages - just updated for you wink).
Please, improve documentation pages if you know how to avoid next users having the same problems/doubts that you have.

Hope this helps... (and welcome to Tikiwiki community :-)

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