

Re: Re: Upload size for PDF...

posts: 3665 United States

I believe that you can have multiple files on your site — they simple cascade over each other. If you want to keep the default values and use only a custom upload_max_filesize for your Tiki:

  1. Create a new php.ini and place it in your Tiki's root folder.
  2. Add the following setting to the php.ini file:
    Copy to clipboard
    upload_max_filesize = 2M

That should be it.


-My Tiki Blog: Help, Hints, and Hacks

> Hey Rick,
> thanks for the answer but now I'm wondering what code should be in the php.ini.
> Let's say for example that I just create a php.ini file with that specifically setting "upload_max_filesize" will he keeps the other settings from the default php.ini file? Or should I create a php.ini file with all the settings in it?
> when I place it under etc\ will tikiwiki auto. detects that php.ini?
> regards,
> Pieter

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