Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Image Re-size

posts: 3665 United States

> Hello all,
> hope you all had a good christmas,
> I'm new to Tiki and although I think it has everything I need from a CMS I'm finding it a little frustrating to be able to find the help I need on my own.
> I have Tiki installed and the first major problem I'm having is getting my image uploads resized to a maximum width. Thumbnails are resizing Ok but it's the original images that I want to resize. I'm currently storing them in a database, would it be better to store them in a directory or not?
> Thanks in advance santa

You can't change the original size of an uploaded image, but you can add a different scale by using the Add scaled images field when creating/editing your Image Gallery. See the docs, here for details.


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