Features / Usability

Features / Usability

transferring members from smf to tikiwiki

posts: 1
I am looking of expanding my current forum to a full community site and one of the possiblities I came across is tikiwiki. Here my question: Is there a possibility to "transfer" my members and their posts relatively painless to a new tikiwiki environment? I obviously don't want to loose all what we have done before. Thanks for the help, SY
posts: 1633 Canada

Members, yes. You can import from a text file.

Forum posts: I am not aware of a converter from smf. But there is a importer for TikiWiki format. So you could export, re-organize data and use that.

M ;-)

posts: 2

Hi, could you please update this post - the link does not make any sense at all and the content is also very confusing. An importer from tikiwiki? But the guy was talking about smf.
However, I also need a converter from smf - is there anything done? Thanks!

posts: 3 United States
Has anyone had any experience using this? I'd like to read some success stories. :-)