

Changing Font site wide across multiple themes

Hi all...

We are in need of changing the font for the entire site and across multiple themes...is there a quick way to do so and if so how?

Catalan Countries

I don't think so, even if it would be very welcome!

I would add some money to pay somebody to make that happen (a new setting at "Admin > Look and feel" to magnify the size of all font sizes: x1.1, x1.2, x1.3 ...)...


There's no way from the web side using the Tiki admin settings. You'd have to edit the CSS files. The fonts are set by the theme stylesheets. The font family is generally set for the body tag and covers pretty much all text. Sometimes there are exceptions such as headings, code tag, edit textarea and so on, but these account for just a fraction of all text. But some of the older Tiki themes are way too verbose and repeatedly specify the font throughout the stylesheet.

In any case, you'll have to edit the stylesheets that you're using. This may be as easy as changing just the font-family property for the body selector, or by specifying it again maybe at the end of the stylesheet (if a property is set more than once in a stylesheet, the last one set has priority). Even if the stylesheet does redundantly sprinkle font family specification throughtout the file, it only takes a minute to do a find-and-replace in an editor.

-- Gary