

Re: Upgrade?

posts: 4656 Japan

If you're upgrading to Tiki 2.2 from Tiki 2.0 or 2.1, there's a small package that contains only the changed files. For any other upgrade the complete package should replace your current files (however you want to do that, by installing over (ftp/copy "overwrite when source newer", etc.) or deleting the old file tree and putting the new one in its place (saving any customized files or site content that's in the file hierarchy). Then run tiki-install.php to update the database.

-- Gary

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Hi Hoyla and welcome to the TikiWiki Commnity! smile

No, you need to get the full package and do an upgrade (open your browser at the tiki-install.php in the folder where you located your new tiki3. And follow the steps from there in (plus previous suggestions from the documentation page, as usual, etc.).

Ask again if in doubt

BTW, is there any other video server that is not barred from Thailand?
(I might upload it else where also for you and other users like you)

Can you see this, for instance?:

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

hoyla, btw, I see that you got some feedback also on the irc channel today
Could you please update the documentation page with the information that you know already?

Thanks in advanced to contribute to improve the Documentation! :-)