Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

My idea - can it be achieved (complicated searching)?

posts: 6

Hi all,

So I thought I'd sum up my idea very quickly first...

It's a page about bushwalking (hiking as non-Aussies would call it). I want the users to be able to search from the front page for a list of walks/hikes to do (each walk/hike would be a wiki page that could be updated/corrected by users over time).

So I want the search to consist of a range of drop-down boxes (eg. Country, State, Area, Walking Distance (km's), Walking Time, Grading, etc.).

For example, someone could come to the page and look for walks that are in Eastern Victoria (Australia), between 5 and 10km's long OR between 120 and 210 mins and graded Difficult.

I would want users to be able to sort search results by any of the categories.

Does that make sense?

Is it possible?

I've looked at categories, structures and tags but I can't see how I could use these to achieve what I want.

Initially I was trying to use Structures. So I set it up with Country > State but then I couldn't figure out where to go from there. I would have had to have the same sub-categories under each of those structures and it started to get messy.

Any help or comments would be appreciated!


posts: 6

Thanks Rick... I'll have a look.

The more I think about it, the less possible it seems.

It definitely doesn't have to be this way but I can't think of any way for it to work. The main thing is that someone can decide they want to do a walk and come to the website to look for one based on their restrictions (mainly their geographical location and their time restrictions) or what they want to achieve (so they could search for a longer/shorter walk or an easier/more difficult one).

So if anyone has any ideas on an alternative method of achieving this I'd be very happy to hear from them.

Or are you the only contributor to this forum Rick? biggrin

posts: 6
The dynamic list tracker thing looks like it would be a great way for people to add new pages with set parameters but I can't see how it would be used to search the wiki's... Is that what you were thinking too Rick?
posts: 3665 United States

Not pages — but trackers. I could see this working if each walk were a tracker item — not a page.

Then visitors (with read-only) access could browse the tracker and use the dynamic item list to show walks with criteria A + B + C. etcc.


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posts: 6

Oh okay... Obviously I didn't really understand the concept! I'll keep looking into it then. Thanks!
