Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Re: Paths of Imagemagick etc

posts: 39 Japan

> We have recently corrected some problems in the 3rd development release of 1.8 code. as I understand it, GD and Imagemagick support needs to be compiled into your PHP.
> You should try the latest CVS branch-1-8 code, or if your looking for latest stable Tiki release use 1.7.4

Thank you Damian. It was my first time to use CVS today, and I somehow got it to download to my shared host folder.

I'm finding that:

  • image uploading seems still broken in the 1.9 (lastiki).
  • image uploading seems OK in 1.8, latest branch, BUT, it also seems inconsistent, so I am experimenting with various php.ini variables in an .htaccess file. I'll post more later.


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