Features / Usability

Features / Usability

4.2 - Structure Problem.

posts: 3

Hi Guys,

I have some weird stuff going on with Structure in 4.2
Registered users should be able to see structure only but they should be not allowed to see option ( ADD PAGE )

tiki_p_edit_structures Unchecked
tiki_p_watch_structure Unchecked

Global, Object etc ...

With this setup they can see structure but as well they can see ADD PAGE option.

Any ideas what could be wrong ?

Thank You

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

have you tried in tiki5.x?

and also, ensure (also in your 4.x) that those perms are as such in the wiki homepage of that structure. When you change that there, apply permissions to all pages in that structure.

ensure that they don't haave tiki_p_edit_structures but they do have tiki_p_view, etc.