Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re : WinXP install oddity

posts: 1001 Canada

Sorry Eric, there's something I don't get about your problem.

On your UserPage I read

"after a bunch of mucking about on this site, i decided to see if the tiki-install.php process might help me get started again. so deleted the "done" suffix in the /www folder, pointed the browser at it and brought it back up. it detected an existing "admin" account and password and asked me to enter the password, which i did. accepted this and kicked me to the "create new db" or "upgrade via script" or "do nothing and enter tikiwiki" page. not wanting to upgrade ('cause i can't), nor blow away work in db....i chose to "do nothing" and enter tikiwiki. brought me back to the same old login screen. BUT, this time it accepted the Admin/Password combo and put me to my super-cool, nicely modified page i had worked so hard on. "

and for the day after

"Damien provided me with great info on how to fix my login problem. "

I don't understand. Did damian help you to fix the bug, or did you fix it by yourself??
I'm sorry to be sdo insistant, but me and damian are main support guys here and if he understands, at least I don't. Please clarify this part that confuses me.

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