Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Using trackers to display data from Works database

posts: 214

I have moved some small MySQL tables to Tiki trackers, here is how I would do this:

Define all the columns in a tracker and manually insert a few rows of data. Then try using the tracker to make sure you can get the reports you want. I find it is easier to test with a smaller amount of data.

Then use the Tiki tracker export to export the few test rows, and open the exported tracker data in a spreadsheet.

Now save the MS Works Database data as a spreadsheet and open it.

You need to have all of the columns in the MS Works database spreadsheet match the columns in the tracker spreadsheet. If they are not the same, rearrage the columns in the MS Works database spreadsheet so they match the tracker spreadsheet columns.

Save the MS Works Database spreadsheet as a csv file.
If there isn't a lot of data, it might be best to copy the MS Works spreadsheet columns and paste them into the tracker spreadsheet, delete the test rows, and save that.

Clear the Tiki tracker and import the MS Works Database csv file.

There are some characters which might cause problems with the import if they are in the data. If the import does not work, try escaping all single quotes and amprersands with a forward slash (\' and \&). There may be other characters that cause problems too, but I don't remember which they are.


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