Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re : "The XML page cannot be displayed"

posts: 1001 Canada

My copy reads $feature_server_name = $tikilib->get_preference('feature_server_name', $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]); at this line, not SERVER_HOST.

I never heard about that server and it's certainly much better to use EasyPHP (Apache) if you're new to webservers. You could get quite a few problems trying to get Tiki working with a rare server, and I don't think you want that if you were unable to debug that first problem.
If you still want to try and NAME doesn't work better, remove the last argument to get_preference. If it still fails, try removing from 997 to 1002 or replacing $tikilib->get_preference('feature_server_name', $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]) with 'y' (quoted).

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