Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Re: Windows install error on tw1.9rc1 - The fix!

posts: 104 France

IMHO this is a workaround, NOT a fix. You notice that PHP warns you that this usage has been "deprecated" - ie it is not a good idea to use it because it may well not be supported at all in a forthcoming version of PHP. The fix would presumably be to modify the function definition - however, I could not find the pam_auth function definition anywhere (well, I'm only running Windows, I don't have a grep...)

But since I don't intend to use PAM anyway, the other solution is to modify the function call itself to read:
if (pam_auth($user, $pass, $error))

instead of:
if (pam_auth($user, $pass, &$error))

It is that "&" that PHP is disapproving of. Otherwise you end up with a deprecated configuration in your server php.ini which IMHO is very undesirable. evil

Of course this is not really a fix either - but I don't have time to work out where the pam_auth function is....

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