Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Uploading images to wiki - Found reason and solution

posts: 8 Italy

I found what happened, here is the story:
The 1.9.2 neat style has the following syntax in tiki-editpage.tpl in the pictures section (please consider ( as < and ) as >):
(tr)(td class="formcolor")Upload picture(/td)(td class="formcolor")
(input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000000000")
(input name="picfile1" type="file")
Instead of the full syntax that implements 1.9.2 behavior (instertion of picture syntax at the cursor position):
(tr class="formcolor")(td)Upload picture(/td)(td)
(input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000000000" /)
(input type="hidden" name="hasAlreadyInserted" value="" /)
(input type="hidden" name="prefix" value="/img/wiki_up/" /)
(input name="picfile1" type="file" onchange="javascript:insertImg('editwiki','picfile1','hasAlreadyInserted')"/)
So the neat style can't work well.
But we use the moreneat style and have the same problem, even if in 1.9.2 the tiki-editpage.tpl is not overridden in the moreneat style. Why?
Because we use a Fantastico intallation and it was overridden in 1.8.6!!! But the Fantastico automatic updater did not delete the tiki-editpage.tpl in templates/styles/moreneat/
Probably the Fantastico updater just adds files... so we remained with the old override file that probably had other problems. For sure the problem that we could not correctly edit the sandbox.

I already posted the moreneat upgrade bug in the Fantastico support forum and I'm going to post the neat somewhere in this forum.

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